Guacamole gives you secure access to office PCs

The new “Guacamole” module provides a fully-fledged home office workplace by accessing the company PC via web browser. Complex applications can be transferred to the browser of weaker PCs and used there. This also eliminates licensing cost issues for specialised applications on local PCs in the home office.

What is Apache Guacomole

Guacamole allows you to make a desktop PC, terminal server or any other server remotely accessible via the browser. This means that complex applications can be transferred to the browser of weaker PCs and used there. So it’s more than screen sharing or remote maintenance like TeamViewer, but full-fledged access to desktop PCs like Citrix Virtual Apps or Parallels RAS.

Guacamole safety

It is up to the administrators to determine which users should have access to which desktops and which security levels, for example two-factor authentication, are required for this. You can find more information in this Guacamole flyer.

Which protocols can be used?

Access via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) makes working remotely very fast. Here you get direct access via RDP to the remote computer without having to open these ports to the outside. Instead, the remote computers are accessed via EGroupware and your browser.

Neben RDP unterstützt Guacamole auch VNC und SSH. So können z. B. bestehende Sitzungen des fernen Desktops weiter verwendet  werden (VNC) oder auch Server-Konsolen wie z. B. der EGroupware-Server fern gewartet werden (SSH). Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu dem RPD Protokoll.

More safety through guacamole

EGroupware with Guacamole allows “secure” access to the company desktop or server through two-factor authentication. In the EPL version, WebAuthn / Fido2 Key is also possible. We recommend activating or enforcing these security functions.

Two-factor authentication

You can also disable two-factor authentication within the corporate environment (IP address recognition). You can find more technical information in the EGroupware Wiki and in the EGroupware Help Forum.

Guacamole benefits

Guacamole provides RDP or VNC desktops via HTML5 within EGroupware. EGroupware provides account information, authentication via OpenID Connect and enables connection management.

Reduce data protection and GDPR risks

Setting up a VPN connection on private computers can be very time-consuming and also involves GDPR risks, as files can be transferred to unsecured private laptops. EGroupware minimises these risks and at the same time lowers the costs of implementation compared to Virtual Apps or similar products.

Case study by Pfeifer Drako Drahtseilwerk GmbH on Guacamole an

This practical example gives you a first impression of the possible uses of Guacamole. Guacamole was integrated into EGroupware in such a way that the users see the remote PC within EGroupware.

In the self-installation, a component is installed on the same server on which the EGroupware is running. OpenID and the connections in the guacamole are set up accordingly by the administrator. In hosting, we can also offer you a solution, but requires some configuration and coordination with your IT administration.

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Case study by IGU Daywork planning for guacamole in times of home office

How can you make computing-intensive processes possible for your employees in times of Corona and home office? Is it possible to access the PC in the office remotely?

See in the case study how an engineering office uses EGroupware and Guacamole. What are the advantages for the users and the company?

Case study by Level 45 GmbH on Guacamole as support for employees

Take a look at this practical example of Guacamole to find out how a studio uses the calendar, Guacamole and also the resource module.

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Guacamole Webinar Recording

Take a look at the functions of Guacomole and other home office functions in the webinar recording. There we show live how Guacomole works in practice. In addition, questions about handling and the technical possibilities will be answered.

If you have any further questions about the use or functionality of EGroupware, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Customer testimonials

Harald Gössinger
Tonstudio Blautone Kathriner Gmbh

After extensive testing of the software from various providers, we decided on the EPL. It offers an enormously good price-performance ratio and is very stable. External employees can be integrated…
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Michael Engelhardt
Managing Director of IGU Tragwerksplanung

The decision for the EPL was based on a study published by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, which was a very good decision-making aid.

Ingo Schnieders
IT Verantwortlicher, PFEIFER DRAKO Drahtseilwerk

The EGroupware Enterprise Line (EPL), which we have been using since 2005, is used by all employees and in some cases in production. The new option to use Guacamole to…
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